Sunday, January 4, 2009

WOW! It has been a while since we last wrote! Don't worry... we are still alive. We want to document some of the things we have done since September.

I now have a new job, I am an instructional assistant at Granite Ridge Intermediate in the autistic program there. I now do the same thing David does for work, but I am working with kids who are a little older.

We both finished a great semester at Fresno City College. David is going to be attending Fresno State in a couple of weeks and I will start my last semester at Fresno City in a week. School and work keeps us both pretty busy (hence no blog posts since September).

Now I will write several posts to try and update you on our lives.


Annie said...

what a cute picture! we love you guys!

MARTHA said...

Glad to hear from you.