Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hey there everyone! Summer has been great so far... last week was the Thorley Reunion. This is an annual event where everyone from my mother-in-law's side of the family gathers for an extraordinary reunion on the Thorley Mountain. It is a beautiful place to be... I was so excited for the reunion I must have lost at least 3 nights of sleep over it. We had a great time hanging out with family and getting to know each other better. There was great food, fun, entertainment, and projects to do. We had an absolute blast!

Right before the reunion, the immediate Mark and Jo Linda Reynders family had a little reunion. That was a lot of fun too... The last day of this reunion, all of us kids and our husbands and wives went on a hike. We hiked through the Subway in Zion National Park. It was a great hike. We had to jump in some nasty water, repel about five times, and go up and down steep mountainsides. After that hike we were all dead tiered. We had a lot of fun though. We weren't exactly sure where we were supposed to be going and the trail wasn't marked that well, so we had fun trying to figure everything out. The only directions we had were telling us to scamper, and look for the hoodoo or something of that sort... they weren't very helpful. Here is a little video that david put together from our hike...


MARTHA said...

What a great post! We need to go to the Mountain again. Thanks for sharing. I can tell you all had a great time.

Jana said...

What a cool video. I'm glad you had the chance to do that hike togehter - it really so beautiful despite the fact that it's a toenail losing hike!!!!! I have no desire to ever do it, naturally this is no surprise to anyone, but it really is such lovely scenary that I can see why everyone who enjoys that kind of thing would like to do it.

It was super fun to see you both last week - my two tall peas in a pod! Love you very much.

Jana said...

PS - how did you get such nice dance pictures. Did you see how blurry mine turned out?

And, sorry, but my contest pictures were a tad better! ;)