Sunday, January 5, 2014

Christmas Break

We had the opportunity to travel to California for Christmas. It was a long drive from Missouri, but we survived! We drove straight through on the way to California. We took the Southern route using the I-40 for the majority of the drive. We made it out there in just 25 hours! Hard for me believe we did it with three little ones. It seems all a blur now. Needless to say, we took our time on the way back :) We stopped in Albuquerque, New Mexico, almost half way, stayed the night in a hotel, then finished the other half of the drive and made it home at 11:15 pm on New Years Eve. We had just enough time to put kids in bed and unpack a little before the New Year rang in.

We enjoyed spending so much time with Family. The first week we were there, the week before Christmas, we spent a considerable amount of time with my mother and siblings. My mom had that week off of work so we were able to make many memories. She and I went out for a little Christmas shopping and lunch. I always enjoy chatting with my mom. She is a wonderful example of love to me. She is also the most selfless person I know.

My mother took the kids and I, and my sister Kamilah, to the Zoo. Oh how the kids loved it! They didn't want to leave. Kamilah was so sweet to my kiddos, they love their Aunt Kamilah.

Kamilah and I went out to lunch after the Zoo. I took her out to The Cheesecake Factory. Yumm! Gotta love that place.

My mom and Pierce joined my friend Edy and I at the park on another day. It was wonderful catching up a bit with Edy and just being around her. She is a wonderful lady.

Also with my family; we decorated my parents Christmas tree, went and walked through the lights, down "Candy Cane Lane", made some yummy reindeer treats, played some games, and shared meals together.

We had loads of fun with the Reynders as well. We stayed in the addition at the Reynders'. It was wonderful. We had our own bathroom, kitchen and living area, washer and dryer, and 2 bedrooms! We basically lived in a luxurious sweet for 2 weeks.

We played many games at the Reynders; board games, card games, and even volleyball in the backyard. The kids love Grandma Jo and Poppy's backyard, Peter especially. He would play in the dirt out there all day if we let him.

The kids loved playing with their cousins! Ryan, Natalie Jo, and Jason! Peter and Jason played and played. I wish we lived closer. They would be best buds (along with Max, whom we missed this Christmas). The Spiel's had us over for dinner and Family Home Evening the Monday before Christmas. It was wonderful! Ryan taught the lesson. He is such a great kid. We sure like him. Natalie did a great job conducting as well. After the lesson we enjoyed making some snowman treats and then the adults played a few games while the cousin's played.

Christmas eve was great, as always :) David's Uncle Adam and Aunt Sally and his two cousins Emma and Michael joined us. I made dinner and some treats, we made banners, played Christmas BINGO, and the children acted out the Nativity (Evelyn did not want to participate as you can see above...).

Christmas day was loaded with fun. We bounced back and forth between my family and David's. Our kids found their presents from Santa under the tree, early Christmas morning. Then we headed off to the Murphy's for breakfast and gifts. Then back to the Reynders' to run through the banners and open gifts and have lunch. After the kids napped we went back to the Murphy's for Christmas Dinner and games. Then it was back to the Reynders' to put kids in bed.

It was a busy Christmas but we were glad to be able to spend it with family.

Two days after Christmas Peter, Evelyn, and I attended a birthday party for my cousin Aleesha who just turned 4. We played at Chuck E Cheese and had some yummy cake.

Later that day my mother's side of the family had a Christmas gathering. It was great to see so many cousins, Aunt's and Uncles. Our family has sure grown. I'm surprised we still gather. But I am glad we do :)

Before we made the long treck home we traveled down to Lancaster, CA to visit with the Blair's. We sure love those Blairs. It is aways fun to visit with them. And since it was so close to Christmas, we were able to catch almost all of the Blair's and visit with them.

We had a wonderful break. The last big break we will have for a long time. David starts a new semester tomorrow. Bring on the business! Life is good :)

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