Sunday, January 19, 2014

School With Peter

Peter (3) has wanted to do "school" for some time now. He loves to learn. He is a little sponge soaking up information 24/7. He is a bright kid and I love his desire to learn. I wanted to take advantage of his desire. For Christmas we gave him a couple workbooks so he and I could do "school" together. He was so excited and wanted to start while we were still in California, right after Christmas. I told him to wait till we got home. I wanted to have a little more structure and other school supplies at hand.

We started promptly after Christmas break. After Hannah and Evelyn go down for afternoon naps, Peter and mommy get some one on one time to do "school". Thanks to my wonderful sister-in-law's (Annie's) example, we start every school session with a prayer. Then we dive into writing skills, followed by either numbers or letters, and then Peter gets to choose a few fun things to do from his books.

This time has been wonderful for him and I. I love how much he has learned in the short time we have been doing school. He has taught me a few things as well. He truly has a thirst for knowledge. I always thought I loved to learn, but Peter has shown me that I need to increase my desire to learn new things. He has helped me grow in so many ways. I sure love Peter and his sweet spirit. He truly is a great kid and I feel honored to be his mother.


Annie said...

That was a smart idea to put the worksheets in plastic so you can do them over and over again.

KarenEJacobs said...

I just saw this. What a great kid! We should get the boys together sometime to do "school." They would love it.