Thursday, October 6, 2011


It has been too long since I last posted... I have lost the charger to our camera! I was hoping to find it so I could post pictures and video from our trips this summer. We have decided that we will need to buy a new charger... Anyway, we have travled to Southern Utah the Thorley Family Reunion at the cabin, with a stop in Lancaster, CA to visit with the Blair Family. Then we took a flight into Bellingham, WA and drove across the border into Vancouver, BC Canda to visit with my sister, Vanessa, and her new little girl, Brooklyn Pearl (who is too cute for words). We had a blast exploring Vancouver and Langley, BC. We got to see the Beautiful temple that was dedicated last year in Langley. Vanessa lives less than five minutes away. We actually walked to the temple from her house! It was nice to see so much family and create memories this summer.

Peter is getting sooo big! He has learned so much and continues to learn new things each day. It is a joy to see him grow. He knows how to say mom and dad well, and a few other words not so well. He knows several signs. He will sign eat/food, milk, juice, more, all done/finished, bird, light, and he does some of the cutest gestures and facial expressions. I love it when he comes and grabs my hand to take me to something he wants. He definitey knows how to communicate his needs and wants. We sure enjoy being Peter's parents and feel privledged to have been entrusted with such a wonderful, sweet spirit and son of God.

For those of you who do not know... we are expecting our second child. We are having a little girl! Her due date is February 4th 2012. We are excited and anxiously preparing ourselves for her arrival. We know it is a big change form one child to two. We just hope we will be as prepared as possible to make this change.


MARTHA said...

Hope you get that charger soon. Thanks for the upadate.

Jessica Havican said...

I did not know you were expecting another little one! Congratulations!!! We are expecting this year too!